aLK Workshop

Our department is hosting the workshop Alicante Level-k Thinking (aLK) on Nov.7-8.

This workshop is sponsored by Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació i Cultura (Prometeo/2013/037)

Organizers: Coralio Ballester and Adam Sanjurjo

Scientific Committee: Carlos Cueva, Carmen Herrero, Iñigo Iturbe and Giovanni Ponti.



Olivier Armantier (FED NY), Carlos Cueva (U. Alicante), Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe (U. Alicante), Raffaele Miniaci (Brescia) and Giovanni Ponti (U. Alicante & LUISS Guido Carli Roma) are organizing the Workshop on Economertic Techniques to Analyze Exerimental Evidence (ExperimetriX), that will take place on 26-27 Oct at the University of Alicante. You may download the progamme here. Sponsored by Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo/2013/037), Ministerio…

Giovanni Ponti joins the Editorial Board of PLoS ONE

Starting September 1st, 2014, Giovanni Ponti joins the Editorial Board of PLoS ONE, as Academic Editor specialized in Behavioral end Experimental Economics. PLoS ONE is the top publication of the Public Library of Science of the United States, and covers –basically- any research field from a truly interdisciplinary perspective. Published first in 2006, PLoS ONE…