Giovanni Ponti joins the Editorial Board of PLoS ONE

Starting September 1st, 2014, Giovanni Ponti joins the Editorial Board of PLoS ONE, as Academic Editor specialized in Behavioral end Experimental Economics. PLoS ONE is the top publication of the Public Library of Science of the United States, and covers –basically- any research field from a truly interdisciplinary perspective. Published first in 2006, PLoS ONE…

LaTEx in the media

The Laboratory for Theoretical and Experimental Economics (LaTEx) has recently been visited by Diario Información. Here we reproduce the article, in Spanish: ¿Qué factores fomentan la iniciativa emprendedora? ¿Cuándo es sostenible la cooperación entre personas? ¿Qué aspectos psicológicos explican la inestabilidad en los mercados financieros? ¿Quién arriesga más a la hora de invertir, los hombres o las…

Prof. Francesco Turino gets tenure

We are proud to announce that our colleague Francesco Turino has successfully completed his tenure-track period in the department and we congratulate him for this achievement. Professor Turino is a macroeconomist who has published very good quality papers in journals like the European Economic Review or the Review of Economic Dynamics. We are confident that he will keep this…

Poverty in Spain

On May 15th, the reports “Desarrollo humano en España. 1980-2011” and “La pobreza en España y sus comunidades autónomas. 2006-2011” about poverty in Spain, were released by IVIE (Valencia Institute of Economic Research) and Bancaja Foundation. The research team was formed by Carmen Herrero (U. Alicante) and Antonio Villar (U. Pablo Olavide and a former faculty member of our department),…